48-135238 Bilstein B16 coilover Skoda Octavia 1Z3
48-135238 Bilstein B16 Coilover adjustable i height and Adjust rebound and bump Skoda Octavia Sedan 1.2Tsi 1.4 1.4Tsi 1.6 1.6Multifuel 1.6Fsi 1.8Tsi 2.0Fsi 1.6Tdi 1.9Tdi 2.0Tdi 2.0Tdi RS
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48-135238 Bilstein B16 coilover Skoda Octavia 1Z3
48-135238 Bilstein B16 Coilover adjustable i height and Adjust rebound and bump Skoda Octavia Sedan 1.2Tsi 1.4 1.4Tsi 1.6 1.6Multifuel 1.6Fsi 1.8Tsi 2.0Fsi 1.6Tdi 1.9Tdi 2.0Tdi 2.0Tdi RS
Bilstein 48-135238 B16 Coilover adjustable in height and Adjust rebound & bump Skoda Octavia 1Z3 Sedan
1.2Tsi 1.4 1.4Tsi 1.6 1.6Multifuel 1.6Fsi 1.8Tsi 2.0Fsi 1.6Tdi 1.9Tdi 2.0Tdi 2.0Tdi RS
Max Frontaxle/Rearaxle weight 1210kg Petrol Diesel 2wd /1250kg
Possible adjustments Front/Rear 20-40mm / 20-40mm